Short Courses

our short courses

We offer a wide range of non-accredited short courses or programs geared to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes of people in a quick and efficient manner. We have a comprehensive range of available offline and online e learning short courses that can be accessed from our Learning Management System. These are grouped into categories to make it easy for you to find the right one. Here are some of our behavioral and microfinance capability building short programs:

Financial Intelligence Centre and The Micro Lender
After completing this workshop, you will acquire a solid understanding of:
Who Should Attend:

behavioural capability building short courses:

Management & Leadership
Meeting Challenges Inherent to Managerial Roles
Management & Leadership
Developing Great Managers: Power Hour Conversations
Personal Efficiency
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Personal Efficiency
Adversity Quotient (AQ)
Strategic Skills
Strategic Planning
Strategic Skills
Advance Issues in Strategic Planning and Thinking

We have more to offer

check out our other short courses
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